Tuesday, November 25, 2014

~ "More thanks and praise..."

"Now therefore, our God, we thank thee, and praise thy glorious name." (1 Chron 29:13)

Once again, we see that giving thanks and praise is in order.  It must be important if we are reminded of is so often.

Giving thanks and praise is not limited to going to church on Sunday.  Giving thanks is just what it says: thanking God.  When you receive a gift in the mail, don't you opened and then call the person who sent it to you and say "thank you"?  Why would you not do the same for the gifts given by God?  Call out to him!  Thank him!

The same goes for praise.  We (parents) are very good at telling other how our children made us proud - we praise them openly and to anyone who will listen sometimes!  Why do we not openly praise God for all he's done in our lives?

When it is all said and done, Chronicles again reminds us that praise and thanksgiving are important pieces of a Christian's life!  Incorporate them into yours!  Say thank you every chance you get - for the little things (like an uneventful ride to work).  Praise him every chance you get (after you arrive at work on the uneventful trip, praise him for the job you have - some people aren't as fortunate).  Even if you feel you've already given thanks and offered praise -- it's okay to repeat it again!  Our heavenly Father does not get tired of hearing us thank him!