Wednesday, August 21, 2013

~ "Oh, you want $1,900 -- let me just pull that out of my back pocket..."

And great multitudes came unto him, having with them those that were lame, blind, dumb, maimed, and many others, and cast them down at Jesus' feet; and he healed them (Matt 15:30)

No, the word "righteous" will not appear in today's post.  I wish it would, but from the "sticker shock" I received in the mail yesterday with regard to my COBRA benefits...we'll lets just say that I am definitely in need of a healing before August 31.  There was nothing righteous about it!

The great multitudes that came to Jesus, the lame, the blind, and all the others had one thing in common - they BELIEVED!  They believed in the power of this man who walked among them!  They believed in the power of God.  

I believe in the healing power of Jesus.  I believe that He is still the Great Physician.  I've seen miracles!  I've seen and been a part of His healing.  "Why doesn't He heal everyone, then?"  Sometimes the healing is of the soul - not the body.  Sometimes He heals and gives peace to the dying through something other than restoring their physical health - He restores their soul (Ps 23:3).

Whether or not my maladies are healed, my life will continue on in the same direction - it is bound for heaven.  I will continue to pray, to praise and to offer thanksgiving for all He does for me.  

God has never failed me!  He continues to love me and lift me out of the depths of despair.  He is my rock, He is my salvation, there is no one else I need to sustain me!  He is my Lord!