Wednesday, October 31, 2012

~ "Seeing is not necessarily believing..."

While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen [are] temporal; but the things which are not seen [are] eternal. (2 Cor 4:18) ~ (For we walk by faith, not by sight:) (2 Cor 5:7)

Praising God is one the most joyful things my soul can do! Most of my friends and all of my children tend to shy away from my "Praise God"'s and my shouts of "Amen", not to mention the strange looks I get when I lift my hand in praise during a worship service. They just don't understand that feeling of seeing God's handiwork in events in my life and in the lives of others, nor do they comprehend the obligation we have to praise him in everything! 

I love God! I love that he loves me so much he sent Jesus to pay for my sins! Not something I could have accomplished on my own! But my responsibility to worship and praise does not stop at the acceptance of the gift he has given me, because everything he gives me, everything he takes away from me also is a gift! Being called to witness to the power of God is something every Christian has an obligation to do! How do we do that? By our actions, by our choice of words, by the life we lead ~ by our walk in faith!

Not everyone is "called out" to a specific area (for lack of a better word) of evangelism. Not everyone can preach, not everyone can sing, not everyone can write. We don't all have the same spiritual gifts, but we are all called to worship and tell others about Jesus! We are called to be part of a family of believers whose responsibility it is to offer praise and thanksgiving for that which has been so freely given us. We did not pay the price for our salvation, therefore it is free. Free to anyone who accepts and believes. But don't deceive yourself in thinking that you will not do anything other than believe! My plan was to worship quietly and praise him from the solitude of my room. God had something else in mind for me! I refused to be a "Jesus freak" - they weren't "cool", and I was always about appearances. I think the greatest compliment I ever received came from an old friend when we reconnected recently - her message to me stated "I see you're a 'Jesus freak' like me!" 

When God enters your heart, you change. Only God knows the work he has in store for you - and it could be as simple as telling someone "Jesus loves you". As you grow in faith, you begin to realize what is truly important and what is "bling". "I have seen all the works that are done under the sun; and indeed, all is vanity and grasping for the wind." (Ecclesiastes 1:14)

This life, this existence will all fade away. The earthly legacy we leave will only be realized by a hand full of people, because we are the "small dogs". The true destination is heaven, where we will see all that we have not seen with our eyes, but have seen with our hearts! Let God lead you to where HE needs you - not to where you want to be. Walk in faith, walk in love, walk in joy, in praise and in thanksgiving - but walk!