Saturday, September 17, 2011

~ "Authority and submission..."

Servants, obey in all things your masters according to the flesh; not with eyeservice, as menpleasers; but in singleness of heart, fearing God: And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men; Knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ. (Col 3:22-24)

Paul does not condemn or condone slavery, but explains that Christ transcends all divisions between people. "Servants" are told to work as hard as if their "master" were Christ Himself; but "masters" should be just and fair.

Those of you who show up for work late, take short cuts in what's expected of you (whether you believe it's the right way or not), leave your work for someone else or just plain don't put any effort forth - wake up! You are not doing it for the person who owns the business - you are doing it for the Lord. Put all the effort forth that you would if He were running the business and standing over you or signing your paycheck.

We work because we've been banished from the garden. We work because we have sinned. We must provide for ourselves and our families. No, often employers are not "fair".

Those of you who own businesses, who "manage" people, who dictate the scope of the work that is to be done - do it with a Christ-like attitude. Yes, you are the "boss", but you, too, are a servant of the King. Temper your criticisms with love and understanding, with patience and guidance. By all means, if one of your employees is not "doing his or her job", a discussion of the matter would most likely be warranted. Do it with the love of Christ in your heart.

If we could all realize that our Christian "hat" must be worn at all times and in all places, our lives would be better, as would the lives of those around us. Jesus wants us to do all things for His glory, not our own. We can surely find a way, no matter what it is we do, to bring Christ into our little corner of the work place. The "example" of Christ goes a long way in how people react to you and the changes you see may be slow in coming, but they do come!

This may not be the job the Lord has chosen for you - it may be one you've chosen for yourself. This also may be the job He HAS chosen for you - surrounded by people who do not know Him. There is opportunity to bring Christ into the lives of all the people you work with. No, you don't have to go in singing the "Hallelujah Chorus" or "Amazing Grace" - but go with them in your heart! Let the emotion that Christ brings to your life shine through so that those around you can see it and witness it. In time, the attitudes will change - the longer you work for Jesus, the more powerful your silent testimony becomes! Do what is called for in your daily work assignments (unless, of course, they are in direct violation of the commands of God) and do them for HIS glory - not yours, not your bosses, not your "bottom line". Reach out to those along the way who are in need of His saving grace. Show them the way to achieve the greatest promotion of all - the one that bears the scars of mercy and them the way to Jesus!!!