Sunday, September 9, 2012

~ "Heart Like Mine..."

Thou hast proved mine heart; thou hast visited me in the night; thou hast tried me, and shalt find nothing; I am purposed that my mouth shall not transgress. (Ps 17:3)

There isn't anything that the Lord does not know about each and every one of us.  He has known us since before we were born.  He knew the day we would make our way into this world, He knows he exact moment He will call us home.  He knows every step we have taken and every step that is to come.  He knows every thought, every regret, every lie, every sorrow, every joy, every doubt and every dream.  He KNOWS our heart!!!

When we step out in faith, He is there with us.  He has created us and we are His.  What we do, in every aspect of our lives, should reflect the love poured out for us on Calvary.  No, it is not easy...but it's worth it.  We stumble and fall each and every day of our lives.  The obstacles thrown at us by the enemy often discourage us, but can never consume us if we have our sites fixed on God.  Through Jesus, we can weather any storm.  We can grown in love and be blessed beyond our capacity to imagine because HIS love for us is greater than any of our transgressions.  Forgiveness comes to each of us when we accept Jesus as our Savior and make a commitment to walk with Him.  

We each have those moments when we feel lost, left behind and alone.  We want so desperately to be "back" in His graces - the truth is, we were never out of His graces.  As Him to guide you through whatever "storm" you are sailing in.  Ask Him to renew your faith.  Ask Him to open the heart he knows so well and fill it with courage to break out of the "funk" you are in.  Don't allow the depression over your past to consume you - ask Jesus to step in and take control.  Rededicate your life to Him and to His work.  Go back to the basics - the "knee" time as opposed to "me" time.  There is nothing more important that HIM! 

Take the time - read His word.  Allow Him to "prove your heart" and make you whole.  He is all you need.