Thursday, December 9, 2010

~ "Do the words 'Cancer Free' mean anything to you???"

But when Jesus knew it, he withdrew himself from there: and great multitudes followed him, and he healed them all (Matt 12:15)

No one speaks of God's power stronger than the person who has been healed through the power of prayer! Their testimony to the blessing bestowed upon them by our mighty and merciful God reminds all who hear their words that "The Great Physician" is still on call!

Yesterday I heard the words "she is cancer free" and "he will not be having surgery"! Why? Because God took mercy on these two people at the request of those praying for them and healed them! Never underestimate the power of prayer - it is a mighty tool in the battle against the enemy! Again I see that "all things are possible" and I lift my hands in praise to him who sits on mercy's seat! Our Lord is moving swiftly, people are coming to know him and his works are being praised!

When people ask me to pray for them, or when I feel led to pray for them, it is not just me who prays. There is a network of God-fearing individuals whose prayers for others is their way of life. They literally "pray without ceasing". Sometimes our prayers are answered almost immediately, sometimes it takes a while. In either case, God hears them and answers them.

Don't give in to your impatience. Give God the opportunity to answer your prayers. The foundation your faith stands on is strong and true. It has stood the test of time and is WORTHY of all praise and honor and glory! And your faith does not come from a building, nor does it come from a group of people dispensing rules and regulations - it comes from God! Kneel before HIM, bow down to HIM, no one (and I do mean NO ONE) else! Remove the "idols" from your life and pray to God through Jesus, and ONLY through Jesus! Satan's deceptive powers are only as effective as you allow them to be. Only through the study of God's Word will you be able to identify what is from God! And if you don't read it, how will you know??? Devote yourself to the Word of God and the Power of God will sustain you!

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There are 1000 Bibles on today's suggestion is the "Life Application Study Bible" - King James Version. They range in price from $20 - $80 - depending on your choice of print, cover, etc...It is the most widely used study bible out there. When you start to read - begin in the Gospel of Mark first...his is the simplest to get through - then you can either go to John's Gospel or to Genesis. But don't give up and don't stop! What ever "Godly" path you choose in your life, you will meet resistance from Satan - he will hurl things at you that you can't even imagine - stand strong in the faith that you have in Christ's gift of salvation and ask for strength - you'll be just fine!