Wednesday, December 22, 2010

December 22, 2010 ~ "Well, they look clean..."

Jesus knew that the Father had put all things under his power, and that he had come from God and was returning to God; so he got up from the meal, took off his outer clothing, and wrapped a towel around his waist. (John 13:3-4)

What would you do for your friends? I have one friend that I know, without having to think twice about it, would probably run into a burning building if she thought she could help me! She encourages me when I am depressed, she makes me laugh, shares my joys and my sorrows. When I cry, she cries and vice-versa. We have had our "moments" over the many years I've known her, but we also have many memories. We have walked together, worked together, we have experienced many of the same "trials" over the course of our lives, we've shared the loss of friends, the joys of birth and "agony of defeat". If I were to become sick and bed-ridden, she would be on the next plane to take care of me.

When we think in terms of the friends we have, the defining factor is usually the length of time we've known someone. I have known this woman for more years than I care to count. I have another friend, who would undoubtedly do all she could for me and I've known her less than two years. When I think of Jesus, and his "friends" - he knew them for a relatively short period of time (the Bible bears this out in the accounts of his teaching ministry - which lasted three years) - the image of him washing their feet brings comes to mind. "No" Peter told him, "I should wash your feet". Yet, there he was, with his basin and towel, tending to their needs. He was not only their Savior and their teacher, he was their friend!

The symbolism of washing their feet reminds us that even though we have been "washed in the blood", we still need to "freshen up". As Christians, we have to keep washing the dirt off of our feet. We have to help wash the dirt off of the feet of others as well. We must forgive!

If you are looking for that perfect Christmas gift, give a gift of forgiveness to someone. We aren't perfect, so I know there is at least one person you have not forgiven for something. In Alcoholics Anonymous they call it Step 9 - "making amends" ~ God calls it asking for and granting forgiveness.

While on earth, he served! Now in heaven he is worshiped, yet he still listens to our prayers for forgiveness and in our asking that we be forgiven, he also reminds us that we need to forgive! Wash someone's feet today, and they may just wash yours!