Wednesday, September 11, 2013

~ "Wind Beneath My Wings..."

composite by Katie Costello
He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart. (Psalm 91:4)
We wake up every morning not expecting the unexpected.  We go through our morning routine without thought, without hesitation.  Never in my wildest dreams could I have imagined that the beautiful September morning 12 years ago would forever change my life. 

I can play it out - that scenario - over and over's not something I forget (or ever will).  Each hour of the day, the words spoken between my then husband and I, my children, my sister-in-law, my family  and my friends are forever etched across my heart.  Time has healed the wound, but the scar remains.  There were days when the pain of the aftermath was so intense, was nearly impossible to bear.  Chuck's death was the final blow to a marriage already on the rocks.  What I did not know, what I could not have known was that God did, in fact, have a plan...

A few years ago, while looking over the "Legacy" guestbook for my brother-in-law, I came across this message left on the second anniversary of that fateful day: 
Dear Chuckie - Well, it's been 2 years and I still have a hard time believing you've gone home. I still marvel at your faith in God and your patience with children and the devotion to your family and friends. I still feel your love all around me. You see, I was blessed - for 15 years you were a part of my life. You were best man at our wedding 16 years ago and you will always be best man in my heart. I never met my real brother - he never came home from the hospital. I did, however, have you - a brother-in-law who will always be my pathway to Jesus. Thank you for giving me back my faith. I will love you and miss you always. You truly are a HERO in every sense of the word. Love, Beth

Our Heavenly Father chose to take that man home to heaven. He will chose to take each one of us home one day. What we leave behind when we go will be our legacy. What I've learned in twelve years is that it doesn't matter who approves or disapproves of us, it doesn't matter what anyone else's opinion of us is, whether they like or dislike (or in some instances hate) us. It does not matter if we are different (quirky, odd, or strange). As long as you lift your hands in praise of the Father, as long as you walk a path of righteousness and offer prayers of thanksgiving, as long as you do your very best in everything that you attempt, you will leave a legacy of love!

God is our protector. We who have Jesus will be safe no matter what earthly catastrophe befalls us. He will cover us with his wings, like the helpless eagle at birth, protected by the wings of it's parent. He will shelter us from storms. We are invited to trust in the shadow of His wing of promises, protected from the "prey". Chuck Costello knew this, and he knew it very well. He held no judgment against anyone. He believed and he loved God with all his heart. He prayed daily. He prayed for others. 
God is an all knowing and loving God. I don’t profess that I understand all that he does and why. For I see life as a real challenge in many ways. Over the time of forty four years I’ve learned lessons, yet there are many, many, I’ve yet to learn or will never understand. I believe in both God the Father and his son Jesus Christ. I truly believe but for the Grace of God go I. Although I find life hard at times, and a struggle, I’m grateful for all that I have. Although I don’t show it at times or sound like a man of content, for the most part, I am. The meaning of human life to me is just plain learning to love. I feel learning to love is the key to all life, and yet I feel this lesson has been one for me where I still have a long way to go. My faith has taught me to believe in what I believe in. It has seen me through many situations in the past and I believe it will carry me into the future. (Chuck Costello)

Let the love of God fill you so deeply that there is no room for hate, no room for bitterness, no room for anger. Put all the past mistakes you have made and those made by others away. It's what He asks us to forgive, to accept, to comfort, to love - unconditionally. Allow yourself to be comforted by the security of His love for you, beneath His wing and you, too, one day, will walk where only angels 'dare to tread'...