Monday, September 16, 2013

~ "Fact or fiction..."

No one has seen the Father except the one who is from God; only he has seen the Father. (John 6:46)

There are a few verses that for many years brought the thought "why would the writer put this in here; why would Jesus have said this?" With the skills of Satan, and the often deviousness of adults, "seeing God" can be used as a tool to take the Christian away from Christ. The realization that evil lives among us is something that many people do not comprehend. The power of the enemy and his wantonness to distract and claim as many souls as he can before his reign on earth is ended is also something so many take for granted. This is why we must know the Word of God - why we must read it and study it daily. Although sometimes comforting to have first hand knowledge of things unseen, it can be the most dangerous tool of all. Our faith is based on believing in what we have not seen, taking the Word of God as truth simply because it is. We cannot afford to let it slip away on the whim of madness. 

Part of our "punishment" for sin (the first sin in the garden) is absence from God. Yes, Jesus has secured a place for us in heaven, but we cannot enter that kingdom until we are dead (and there are questions surrounding that experience as well - paradise or soul sleep - but that's another post). There is also, as we know from the parable of the rich man and Lazarus in Luke 16:26, that there is "no going back" once you've entered - no exceptions! So why do so many believe and support the tales of Satan??? Simply because they do not know the Word of God. 

Beware of those who bear witness to having seen the Father. Beware of those who describe the Kingdom of God as having "seen" that as well. Be comforted in the knowledge that there is a heaven simply because it is written in the Word and told to us by Jesus. Remember that in the end times, the enemy will use every available ploy to pull souls away from God. Listen quietly for the voice of truth. If you are truly walking the path of Jesus, the bells and whistles of your early warning system will be activated and the verse of scripture that denounces what you are hearing will certainly flash across the viewing screen in your brain; however, the only way that can happen is if you know those verses. Read the Bible!!! Fill your brain with the truth that is contained within it. It could make all the difference in the world to!!!