Tuesday, September 30, 2014

~ "Pray..."

"I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty." (1 Tim 2:1-2)

Once again, pray for everyone!  Pray for the leaders of our country.  Pray for a life marked by godliness and dignity.

We don't always think to pray for those who have been elected to office.  Somehow, political careers tend mostly to be on the opposite side of what is righteous and good.  Not all politicians, but many.  We pray for our country to turn back to God, yet we don't pray for those who can point it in that directions.  Oh, we whine and complain about it on our social media sites - "Put prayer back in schools" and the likes, but we don't put the focus on those who have the ability to make the change.  The changes we are looking for will not come through a vote by the people.  They will only come by the grace of God.

We are commanded here in Timothy to pray for everyone.  Every man, woman, child, politician, murderer, thief, sex offender...every single one!  I do get on my soapbox every now and again, but the best way to elicit a change is through prayer!  In the grand scheme of things on this earth, we are small and insignificant - in God's plan we are the main focus!  He will listen to our petitions, he hears our prayers.

Focus on a life of quiet godliness and dignity - a life of prayer.  There is a greater chance of change through prayer than through complaining...