Sunday, March 24, 2013

~ "Jesus, take the wheel..."

And he said, The things which are impossible with men are possible with God. (Luke 18:27)

When we constantly feel like we cannot do anything right, when those around us make assumptions and offer the unsolicited criticisms of our lives, when we know deep inside that we aren't living the life we should be or the life we've been "called" to live, when we cry out for answers and can't seem to find them - that is when its time to let Jesus into your life, once and for all!!!

We are all searching for something.  Some want financial security (or wealth), some want the perfect job, some want a spouse to "live happily ever after" with, and some just want to be happy.  What ever it is you are searching for, you aren't going to find it unless you give yourself over to the Lord.  Sure, you may have a great house, a fantastic income and even a wonderful mate (that you probably don't appreciate) - you are never going to be completely happy until you submit to the conviction that God has you under!  Yes, I'm talking to you...

I am a "seed planter" - that's my job!  I share with you all the wonderful things that can and will happen to you if you accept Jesus into your heart, into your life and lead a life that pleases him.  You may think that you "know God" - chances are you know who he is.  To you, he has become one of the 500 friends you have on your social networking sites - he's the friend request you accepted simply because you didn't want to hurt his feelings by hitting the "ignore" button.  Or perhaps, you added him so you could say "oh yes, he's my friend".  Occasionally you visit his page, maybe "like" one of his status lines, leave him a small "token" message (so he doesn't delete you for not interacting with him).  You may think you know him simply because he's there on your profile page under the list of "friends".  The fact of the matter is, he has been desperately trying to interact with you for quite some time and you keep scrolling by...

God has a way of bringing us to our knees.  He offers of a glimpse of what we might have if we submit to his authority - he tells us, with graphic detail, what we WILL have if we refuse.  You wonder what it is you are doing wrong; why is your life so miserable, or "why me".  You know you aren't as "bad" as some of the people you know (especially the ones who seem to have all the money, the great cars, the good jobs, the perfect "date") - you try to live your life as a "good person" - well, my friend, good isn't good enough!  Live your life as JESUS would have you to live it and things WILL change.  Accept the gift he is offering you!  His is much better than anything you can buy here on earth.  And chances are, once you've truly accepted him into your life, that this existence you've been calling "living" will take on a whole new meaning.  Your perspective will change.  Why do you care what your friends and family think about you?  Why is it such a big deal if they laugh at you because you've committed the care of your earthly life to Jesus?  I have a news flash for you - you are in great company - they laughed at Jesus too!  

Stop where you are and get off this destructive road you are on.  Take the one that leads to your eternal reward - put Jesus in the driver's seat - commit yourself to his road, no one else’ will never find the happiness you seek - the happiness your friends SEEM to have - because your friends refuse to accept his love - they are on a different road - they are not destined for the Kingdom of God - they are driving themselves straight into hell.  If that's the path you want, really want to take - if Satan is who you want to serve, then continue on.  But if you are looking for the best, the one and only "accept no substitution" keeper of the Kingdom, then let Jesus take the wheel and steer you towards his rewards for you!!!