Thursday, April 28, 2011

~ "Pick one..."

For all people will walk every one in the name of his god, and we will walk in the name of the LORD our God for ever and ever. (Micah 4:5)

Turn from all of them now. Do you spend more time sitting at your computer than you do in prayer? Are you too busy being entertained by "other" things to spend time with the Lord? Are you looking for relief from your problems and "addictions" through some external means? Does your belief in your "right to enjoy life" and "be happy" get in the way of worship to the King? If you've answered "yes" to any of these questions, you may want to re-think your choices. The living God of heaven and earth needs to come first. All these things (when done without moderation) take you away from God. They are designed to do so. They are a temptation and a distraction that some of us cannot afford to partake in. Yes, God wants us to enjoy ourselves; no, I'm not suggesting you throw your computer or television out the door...but you cannot serve two!

In my Bible study yesterday (obviously I'm in Micah), when I read this verse (for which there was no footnote in my Bible) the word "whoa" came audibly out of my mouth. I stopped and read it again and stopped right there to meditate on it. There is nothing that cannot be accomplished through prayer - NOTHING! God can and will remove your defects of character if you come to know Him and build a relationship with Him through Jesus. I am living, breathing proof that God is still in the "miracle" business. When the Holy Spirit is awakened in you, you become NEW! You are born again!!! Those temptations will continue to be a thorn in your side, but you will have a new strength - a greater strength because it is not your own strength that you rely on - it is HIS strength that sustains you and carries you through.

If you are that bored...get a job. If you can't get a some volunteer work. If you can't do volunteer a friend. If you can't help a yourself! Get a life - get a life that glorifies God! Don't have an existence that is comprised of the couch and the television or the chair and a computer. Take your many gifts and share them with others. Give back some of what the Lord has given you. Do it with a smile on your face. Do it with a song in your heart. Do it with praise on your lips. God likes it when we do for others! Stop feeling sorry for yourself and your situation and quit making excuses for why you "can't" - get off your gluteus maximus and allow God to show you that you can!