Wednesday, June 16, 2010

~ "Power on my knees..."

So what shall I do? I will pray with my spirit, but I will also pray with my mind; I will sing with my spirit, but I will also sing with my mind. (1 Cor 14:15)

How do you pray? Do you pray the written prayers of men or do you search your heart and pray with your words to the Lord?

I used to say those written prayers daily. Today I talk to the Lord in my own words. I tell him my needs (not that he doesn't already know them), I thank him for all he's given me, I thank him for what he's taken from me ~ and as hard as it is sometimes, I try to thank him for my pain. Sometimes I pray out loud sometimes I just let my mind drift into conversation with him.

Just recently, after watching a video by a very blessed evangelist, I decided to sing my prayers and my praises. I sat in my room and sang a song of praise, of needs and of desperation to my God. It will never make the Billboard Charts and it wasn't anything worthy of a Grammy ~ but it was from the heart!

The point is, no matter how simple you think it may be, God isn't looking for scholarly words! He wants our prayers to be from the heart; from our spirit! He doesn't need a TV commercial to be sold on us ~ he already loves us more than we will ever know! Give him the best, not the easiest! He doesn't care if your words don't meet the standard scripted prayers. He cares that you take the time to talk to him and offer him a piece of yourself. Tonight when you get on your knees, give it a try ~ you'll be amazed at what your heart can summon to your mind and what your lips or your heart can "render unto the Lord"...

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