Thursday, August 14, 2014

~ "Making the right impression..."

"And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men; knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ." (Col 3:23-24)

We all want to make "a good impression" on those we work for, live with and meet.  It's human nature.  When we start a new job, we show up early, extremely well groomed and ready to face the day.  For some, that lasts about a week, maybe two, before they begin showing up just in time to clock in, followed by the late arrivals and then in infamous call outs.  They look often like they've rolled out of bed and into their clothes - some even appear to have slept in them.  They make excuses for why they didn't complete assignments and begin to lay blame on their co-workers and you, as their supervisor, begin to wonder what happened to the individual you met when you interviewed them and subsequently hired them.  They are the "phonies".  They make you wonder what they are like in other areas of their lives.  They don't seem to have any purpose (other than to collect a pay check at the end of the day).

People can fool other people, but generally not for a very long time.  There are those who are extremely talented at deception, and when they are found out, we tend to be stunned that this person was capable of such a feat.  "How could I have not seen that coming?"  There is one who is never amazed and knows our hearts.

Remember that everything you have is a gift from God.  When you put forth extra effort, do it for His glory, not your own.  Strive to be the individual that makes an impression for the right reason.  The reward you receive will be greater than any bonus you could possibly attain here on earth!