Saturday, November 30, 2013

~ "One year later, it's still blessings upon blessings!!!"

For whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted. (Matt 23:12).

One year ago, I was happy and shouting for joy!  I received a very much earned promotion at work and was taking on a new challenge.  It was a job I loved and a job I was good at.  But once again, God had another plan.  I don't question His plan.  The truth be known, I was relieved as it unfolded.  What I thought the job would be and what it actually evolved into as the months went by were two entirely different things.  I learned that not every businessman supports an ethical work environment and that people will use you until you have been used up, then discard you like trash.  They will lie, cheat and steal all while wearing tiny little, invisible mustaches reminiscent of a dictator from this mid 20th century.  

But once again, I find that everything is on time - God's time!  He teaches us patience through his word and as history will show us, all things are on time.  Our Heavenly Father does not delay one minute longer than is necessary and very often does not rush in and give us exactly what we want when we want it.  He does, however, give us all that we need when we need it the most. 

For a few months, some my friends have been encouraging me to stay strong.  We often need those people round us more than we realize.  They lift us up in our time of need and they lift us up when we are at our best.  They are always there for us, no matter what!  The same is true of Jesus.  He is there through everything we encounter.  He understands and does not abandon us.  We owe a multitude to his undying love for us.

Today, and everyday, lift up your praises to the Father.  Remember that nothing touches us that has not passed through his hands first...that includes the blessings as well!