Saturday, October 8, 2011

~ "Realizing your sins..."

Justice and judgment are the habitation of thy throne: mercy and truth shall go before thy face. (Ps 89:14)

What an awesome God we serve!!!  Image: one day, all the wrongs will be righted, all the lies will be uncovered, all the evil will be abolished and His love will rule for eternity!  Just knowing that I will be witness to that gives me the courage and strength sometimes to walk forward when it's seems so hard.  

Lately, the sins of my past have been rearing their ugliness in my deteriorating brain.  They come out of nowhere and take up residence in my frontal lobe.  Very unsettling.  It has caused me to take the time to ask forgiveness for each of them and examine the dynamics of them.  "What was I thinking" is usually the first thought to cross my mind, followed by "oh, Lord, I am so sorry for being that person".  Our human failings can often cause us as much pain through realizing the wrongs we've done to others as those wrongs caused to those we inflicted it upon.  We hop on a bandwagon of belittlement and mean-spirited behavior and, if you follow the path of Jesus, it does come back again to be reckoned with.  All we can do at that point is bow our heads and ask for forgiveness.

When you walk with Jesus, it is a constant battle with Satan.  He wants you on his team.  He will open doors, remove roadblocks and tempt you with anything that he thinks will persuade you.  It is at those time that your strength must come from the Lord.  The enemy knows our weaknesses, but God knows our strength - He knows Him very well!  There is nothing that cannot be overcome with a sincere desire to submit to His will.  

Take up your cross and follow Him.  Let Him chip away at the defects that pull you away from Him - the one the enemy uses to distract you and lead you astray.  Let Him make you new!  Let God's justice and judgement find a righteous place in you and lead you to where the enemy can no longer reach you!  Let His mercy and truth light your path and guide you through this life into the next...