Tuesday, August 7, 2012

~ "Oh, sorry, I almost forgot..."

I will sing to the LORD, for he has been good to me. (Ps 13:6)

We remember to pray in the hard times, but do we remember to praise in the good times? It's very easy to get sidetracked when things are going smoothly. Life rolls along without any bumps and we forget the pain we were in last week. We smile and laugh and life is wonderful - until the next time. Being conscious of our joy and praying earnestly is just as important as praying in our time of need. It reminds us that all things we have come from the Father. 

Additionally, when our routine is disrupted by travel or work, we need to remember to get right back into it. God's routine doesn't change, why should ours? Remember, we are to pray without ceasing. Keeping the focus on what is right and good is something we must do every day in order to receive continued blessings. We can't just walk away when we get comfortable. But God does understand that. He knows our weaknesses and our strengths better than we know ourselves. He knows what "joys" will move us slightly to the left or right in our focus on him, as does Satan. Keeping yourself centered throughout the tough times is easy, doing it in the good times can be just as easy if your focus remains on HIM!!! 

Remember who brought you through that catastrophe last week ~ sing a song of praise to him!