Friday, September 17, 2010

~ "I just need to get away..."

One of those days Jesus went out to a mountainside to pray, and spent the night praying to God. (Luke 6:12)

Even Jesus needed some quiet time away. We all need time to "regroup", collect our thoughts, map out our immediate future and take a break from the craziness that is in our world. We call it a retreat. It affords us the opportunity to make the world stop for a day or two and just reflect on what the Lord has given us and study his word without the interruption of the phone, the job or the family. It gives us the opportunity to get to know our fellow Christians a little better and for them to know us. We can let our hair down (so to speak).

Like anything else in life, sometimes our prayers become routine and our study time is interrupted with thoughts of cleaning, washing the car, running to the mall, picking up the kids, and other mundane tasks. Before we realize it, we have strayed from the word, can't remember what we read and have to start over again. When that starts to happen, I know it's time for a weekend away. Normally, I would head to the Jersey Shore for that, but this weekend I will be headed out to Mountain City with a group of women from my church. We will eat, sleep, laugh and get to know each other better. The most important thing we will do on this weekend getaway is spend time in God's word!

I read my Bible every day; not just to find a verse to post here, but to hear what God has to say to me. I've come to the conclusion that without constant attention to his word, I may miss something he needs for me to know. When my distractions cause me to read the same verse in a chapter three time, when I can't focus on any of the reading in my morning routine, I know it's time for a change, a recharge, a new focus. I can't afford to "go through the motions" - life is too short and eternity too long to risk missing the scripture that he has attached my name to.

Take time out of your routine to spend it with a group of GODLY men or women and re-energize your spirit. There is always time for God! It doesn't have to be a weekend away, it can be as simple as an hour or two at a table in the park. Go where there is no distraction from life. Leave the cell phone off and the laptop home. Talk about what God has done in your life, learn a new way to worship him, spend quiet time in his word, rejoice and praise him for what you have, what he's taken from you and what he's yet to give you!

With that said, there will be no post tomorrow (Saturday, September 18) as I will be away and the laptop will be at home. Remember me in your prayers tonight and tomorrow, as I remember each of you everyday! Have a blessed weekend and I will post again Sunday morning! God bless you!

(photo by Christina White)

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