Friday, July 2, 2010

~ "In the pink of time..."

Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day--and not only to me, but also to all who have longed for his appearing. (2 Tim 4:8)

"Ticking away the moments that make up a dull day..." Yes, I am quoting Pink Floyd! Isn't that how some of our days go? There is nothing we can do but wait? We've done all the footwork and now we wait on the Lord to answer our plea.

I've never been a patient person. I don't like to wait. Sometimes I even get frustrated when I'm waiting on the Lord to give me the words I need to write this! "Come on, Lord - I have to feed the dogs and get dressed and go to work!" But he just sits back and smiles and I take a deep breath and say "okay, I'm waiting!"

I try not to "fritter and waste the hours" today. I fill them with chatter to the Lord. Sometimes its just mindless rambling. The one thing I have no choice in waiting on is his coming. I long to see his face and thank him in person for all he's done for me. Sure, I thank him every day for what he's given me, but to be in his physical presence - well, nothing holds a candle to that! In some instances the human part of me wants to be here for the rapture. That would be the selfish part that says "I'm gone - you're not". I know it's childish, but I'm honest! I probably won't have as many crowns laid up in Heaven as some people, but I know I'll have a few. And it won't matter if I live in a penthouse suite or a cardboard box - I'll be with him! I strive to be a righteous individual but am not always successful. But each success is counted and each failure is forgiven. It's a win-win situation as long as I keep God first! Yesterday I talked about the right reasons - today, its the right heart! If my heart is truly focused on the Lord and all things are for his glory - he'll lift me up!

Jesus calls the faithful to their knees and speaks in words of love and compassion (not magic spells) - He comforts us and cares for us and longs for us to praise him! Be bold and righteous and just in your walk with him! He won't let you down. Don't let ten years get behind you - don't miss the starting gun! Go, now, swiftly to the Lord and he will hear your prayer! You can make a new start today! Watch the sunrise because when the Son rises again, you may be too late!

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