Friday, September 9, 2011
~ "There was a crooked man..."
What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body of death? (Rom 7:24)
We sin. We have the opportunity to be rescued from sin. We have the ability to do many great and wonderful things. There is not one of us perfect nor one of us incapable. I'm not referring to accomplishments that we can tack up on our wall - we can all do great things for God in spite of the fact that we are sinners. What is it you have chosen to do for God?
We all must find the path that God has chosen for us - not the path we choose for ourselves. Being a Christian is not an accomplishment on a list with a little box beside it that we check off as having completed it. It is something we do day in and day out. No, I am sorry to say that there are times when I do not exemplify the meaning of the word - but I'm working on it. Satan taunts us, God tests us. Our faith will continue to grow as long as we continue to nurture it. I am ever amazed and ever dismayed at some of the things that filter across my news feed on a social networking site I subscribe to. I just sit and read and shake my head...
We are set free from the chains of death through Jesus. It no longer has any power over the saved through His blood. Key word here: blood!!! As I have said before, believing is not enough - even Satan believes (and we won't be seeing him in heaven). We must live a life that glorifies and magnifies the Lord. It's not a part-time gig. It's full time - 24/7.
Reach out for the hand of Jesus to lift you up out of the desperate situation you are in. Ask Him from the depths of your soul to guide and comfort you. Take the step forward that He's been pushing you to take. The one you are afraid to take. Let go of the things that are holding you back from a fulfilling relationship with Him. They are worth getting rid of. Jesus has the power and strength to hold you up when you cannot stand on your own. God's promises are real - trust them.
Whatever you do, where ever you go, whoever you meet - take Jesus with you! He's great company! He's always listening, but you must take the time to listen to Him - listen to the message He brings you from the Father. With Him, you cannot fail. His love will sustain you and you will be successful. Without Him, you will fail and you will fall - maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow - but you will eventually have nothing to show for all your troubles. The time is now! Give it up to the Lord - hasn't He waited long enough for you???
(Artwork by Scott Gustafson)