Monday, August 8, 2011

~ "Happy-happy-joy-joy!!!"

Then he said unto them, Go your way, eat the fat, and drink the sweet, and send portions unto them for whom nothing is prepared: for this day is holy unto our Lord: neither be ye sorry; for the joy of the LORD is your strength. (Neh 8:10)

"The people wept openly when they heard God's laws and realized how far they were from obeying them. But Ezra told them they should be filled with joy because the day was holy. It was time to celebrate and to give gifts to those in need." (Life Application Study Bible)

We know that "faith without works is dead" and we know that "not by faith alone" will we enter. They go hand in hand. We know that Ezra was the "religious leader" and Nehemiah was the layman, not a member of the religious establishment or a prophet. It was his relationship with that caused him to devote his life to doing God's will in the secular world. We are all called to serve, in one way or another. Some are called to the ministry of preaching, some are called to feeding the poor, but we are all called and commanded to spread the Gospel. We cannot be content with just sitting back and letting someone else do it. That's not to say that we must go stand on a street corner and preach "the end is near". We can spread the Gospel through our actions; through what is seen by others in us.

I have a friend who once told me that they are "saved" but told me "I'm not doing what YOU do". What do I do that is so embarrassing or "uncool"??? I write - that's my ministry - but I live (or try to anyway) a life that reflects the life of Jesus, I abide by the law of God and my morals and values will not be called into question by Him. I have the Holy Spirit guiding me and Jesus to intercede for me. He blesses my life every day. I am not outwardly impressive and inwardly barren. I have joy within that is perfected by Jesus.

Happiness is not what this world is about. It is not what we were put here for and it is not a "right" we are entitled to. Trying to logically understand God doesn't work, it never has and it never will. We are called to be faithful. We are called to be submissive. We are called to serve. As I have said so often, you cannot sit on both sides of the fence. You either are or you are not. You actions reflect the changes of your soul. If the Holy Spirit dwells within you, you cannot continue to pursue a "material" life. "More, more, more" of what the world has to offer means less of what God has in store for you. Being satisfied with what is given you creates a peace within you. It brings about a relief of having to be "successful" and "rich". You no longer find the need to be "popular" or "admired". You are good enough just the way you are.

Count it all joy! If you are walking with Jesus, it's the ultimate joy! Your journey will end in everlasting joy. If you are standing on the promises, you do not stand alone, but in great company. You may not be the richest, strongest or most popular person on this plane, but you will be among those whose lives encouraged others, whose actions gained them recognition and whose service and submission has caused them to receive the greatest standing in the house of the Lord. It all began with faith: faith in God! Faith that He would not let them down. Faith that He would uphold the truths of His word. One day, all that you have worked for, all that you have accumulated and all that you have devoted your time to secure will be gone. What will you have left to offer to God as a testimony for your life on earth???