Friday, June 10, 2011

~ "An open letter to my son..."

Thou therefore, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. (2 Tim 2:1)

Thirty-some-odd-years-ago, God blessed me with a little baby boy. The first nine months of his life, I saw nothing but his tonsils. Yes, eventually, he slept through the night. At the age of seven he was balancing my check book. He was eleven when his first of three sisters made their appearance. He was a great help to me with them and he's still their favorite brother!!! He graduated high school with the opportunity to go to any college in the state that he wanted - he chose a college in Pennsylvania. While away from home, he experienced some traumatic events. It didn't deter him. Also, while away at college, he met a beautiful, talented and intelligent woman, whom he later married. He didn't graduate from the college he had originally chosen, yet he went on to be a teacher (of math, no less).

He and his wife have built a life for themselves that include all the family members from both sides. When we get together, it's just one family! I have been privileged not only to watch my own daughters grow into beautiful young women, but to watch my daughter-in-law's sisters and brothers also grow to be beautiful and talented women and handsome and talented men. In about a month's time, I will hold my granddaughter (and have the honor of spoiling her rotten). My son went back to school to earn his Master's Degree in Education (something both my father and sister possess). Today I will be in the audience when he receives his degree. He will "walk" at the commencement ceremonies of his original college choice - Drexel University. I could not be more proud!

So, included in this little history lesson, are some words of advice and wisdom:

Be strong in the Lord! Do not let the trial of this life wear you down or discourage you. He has promised to take care of you, protect you and provide for you! He will not abandon you! You are one of His greatest creations! There is nothing you cannot accomplish with His help! There is no one who loves you more! Who you are, what talents and abilities you possess, are your gifts from God. What you do with them is up to you. Whatever you do in life, do it to glorify He who created you! That is your gift to Him! Remember always to praise His name, not use it in vane. Remember always to thank Him for the many blessings He bestows upon you, don't take them for granted. Remember always to love those around you as He loves you (even though sometimes it's hard to do). Remember to give back a portion of what you receive - it shows honor to the One who created you. Remember to pray, to offer thanksgiving and praise - He loves to hear the sound of your voice! Rejoice in your accomplishments, for it is by God's divine grace that you have succeeded!

We all have our moments of joy, some more than others, but remembering who should receive the glory for all of our accomplishments is sometimes more important than the accomplishment itself. God has a plan for each of us. Whichever path you have chosen to follow in this life, make sure that it leads to Him in the next!