Tuesday, October 8, 2013

~ "Heaven can't wait..."

For though I preach the gospel, I have nothing to glory of: for necessity is laid on me; yes, woe is to me, if I preach not the gospel! (1 Cor 9:16)
Why do we share the gospel of Christ? Do we do it because we think we will reap some sort of benefit by it? When we hear the word preached to us, do we give our praises to the minister sharing it? Are we looking for accolades from others when we explain particular verses that they do not understand? Do we want to hear the praises for what we are doing?

We all love to hear we've done a good job and receive a pat on the back. There is nothing wrong with that. When we begin to do the work of the Lord, we are no longer the authors or the songwriters or the speakers. We are the vessels of the living God. We share his word with others. He enlightens each of us as we perform our duties to him. All the talents God has given us can be used to spread his word. My opinion is that is why he gave them to us in the first place. We can do a good job at our "livelihood" but an even greater job if we mix in praise and thanksgiving along the way! Temper your work with love of Jesus! Bring him into every facet of your life. In the grocery store, at the ball game, at the PTA meeting, at the party! There is always an occasion to bring Christ into daily life - as a matter of fact, it is our Christian obligation!

The time is short! Don't be afraid of what your friends and family will say about you for praising God for his blessings. Go where he tells you to go, do what he tells you to do and constantly give him the praise of it all! He wants us to be strong in faith and bold in our testimony of his mercy and grace in our lives. Don't sit back and wait for someone else to do it! Let the peace of knowing the Lord begin with you! Share his love with everyone you meet! Don't be afraid - the worst thing that will happen is that your praise will fall on the deaf ears of your fellow man ~ but know that God hears it all and remembers! He knows your heart and your soul and wants to meet with you and tell you how special you are. Give yourself the opportunity to hear those words "well done". Do it out of love for HIM, not out of self centeredness for yourself. Put your talents and your spiritual gifts to work for a good cause - HEAVEN!