Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in his sight: but all things are naked and opened unto the eyes of him with whom we have to do. (Heb 4:13)
As I sat at my computer last night, having my own private meltdown over the events of the day, I learned that a beautiful voice had left this earth to meet with her King. I was not sad, I was jealous. She is, right now, where we all long to be - in the presence of God!
Her life was not ordinary. From a young age, she was thrust into the spotlight. She had many demons to contend with; many more than I think she may have been willing to admit to or that we were aware of. When we are given a gift, one from God, we need to remember that it can be taken away as quickly as we receive it. We are to use it to His glory, not our own.
None of us have the ability to hide from God. He sees us as we truly are. We can paint an image for those around us, we can dress ourselves up to impress - but God is not impressed. He is only interested in the content of our heart. We stand naked before Him. All of our sins revealed...
I am so thankful that I have a Savior who will stand beside me and remind the Father that these sins have been paid for - by His blood. No matter how hard I try, there is always a sin that will stand in the way. I cannot earn that prize, I cannot buy that prize. What I can do is try to be the woman He has called me to be. Not an easy task, I assure you. Serving God is our responsibility now and always. It is not something for someone else to do. Spend more time in your Bible and less in front of your computer. Spend more time with the Lord and less on the dance floor. Not that either of these things are "bad" - they aren't, provided you reach a balance, not an overabundance of the latter. Give back to God what He has so freely given to you. Make your mark in Heaven first, then worry about here on earth. After all, "here on earth" will pass away (as will the mark you've left on it). Heaven is forever.
Today's music video is a little different that I am accustomed to's all good, though, it praises God! In honor and in celebration of a life touch by God early on, we must all realize that He is "Somebody Bigger Than You and I"...