And he gave Joshua the son of Nun a charge, and said, Be strong and of a good courage: for thou shalt bring the children of Israel into the land which I sware unto them: and I will be with thee. (Deut 31:23)
He hears our cries! God does not have a deaf ear when His children are in pain and are suffering. He lifts us up out of the mud and gives us hope. The enemy (and his minions) prey on the weaknesses of the chosen. We all have them, no matter how strong we are, no matter how firmly planted in Christ we are - there are situations that trigger in us panic and fear that can be overwhelming at times. It is human nature and the fear (regardless of how it is perceived by others) is real. Our Father in Heaven places individuals in our lives to stand beside us and remind us that all is not lost, that triumph is just beyond the next dawn and that He will stand victorious in the end. He does not let us go alone and unarmed into battle. He goes before us, leading the way.
One of the most beautiful songs I've ever heard is "Be Not Afraid", recorded by the Saint Louis Jesuits. It reminds us that God will not fail us! The contemporary accompaniment in today's music would have to be "The Voice of Truth" (Casting Crowns). Both songs inspire us to hold our heads high and keep our focus on the Lord! God did not abandon the Israelites and leave them to the Pharaoh...He brought them out of captivity and to the promised land. He continually monitored Job's situation. He surely was with Daniel in the lion's den and with his friends in that fiery furnace. He does that for each and every one of His children! He is not conned by lies and incessant ramblings. He deals in truth. He seeks repentance. His Word inspires humility and confidence. His love for us is greater than anyone else's love could ever be!
We all need to remember that no matter what situation we are facing, because we are children of the King, we do not go into battle alone or unarmed. God goes with us, as does His army and His righteousness!!! We have no need to be afraid!